This course is targeted at those who aspire to management positions in the public health. The MPH Track in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights is specifically for those who wish to work in SRHR focus domains which may include HIV and AIDS.
The Master of Public Health/International Course in Health Development (MPH/ICHD) is an annual 12-month MPH programme organized by the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
Participants can choose from the following study tracks:
- Health Systems Policy & Management track
- Sexual and Reproductive Health track
The MPH is accredited by the Netherlands-Flemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO).
Public health and health care in a changing environment
Health systems in low- and middle-income countries face a wide range of challenges:
- inequities in health and health care
- the overwhelming problems posed by the HIV pandemic
- health sector reforms
- epidemiological and demographic transitions with their double burden of disease
- new partnerships between donors and other institutions
- the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and what lies beyond 2015
- focus on quality of services and evidence-based public health
Providing an effective response to these issues requires well-trained professionals able to solve complex public health problems systematically and using a multi-sectoral approach.
MPH/ICHD participants have the option choosing between two tracks:
- MPH /ICHD Health Systems Policy & Management track
- MPH/ICHD Sexual and Reproductive Health track
The ICHD/MPH is designed to develop the capacity of senior health managers to use an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to address health problems in their country. At the end of the programme, the public health manager should be able to:
- critically analyse the health status of a population and identify health needs
- appraise the role of health systems in terms of fundamental goals, functions, actors and performance
- identify priorities and influence effective policy-making and strategic planning concerning interventions aiming at improving public health, taking into account scientific evidence and best practice
- implement and monitor health interventions by managing human, financial and logistic resources
- work professionally across different sectors, disciplines and institutional levels with public and private actors, and through advocacy, communication and networking
- identify research needs, commission research, and critically analyse and use research results
- incorporate a pro-poor and equity approach in all actions
- continuously examine and critically reflect on own practice and values and adjust them accordingly
How to register:
For more information and to apply in our online application system visit:
There are scholarships available from the Orange Knowledge Fund (OKP) former NFP, for this course. These are available for health professionals from 37eligible countries.
Apply first to KIT for academic admission: by 24 February 2022 (at the latest)
Application deadline for OKP scholarship: March 2022
Read more: Register first at KIT for academic admission
Summary practical information:
Course dates: from 12-09-2022 to 01-09-2023
Duration: 1 year
KIT application deadline academic admission for OKP scholarship applicants: 24-02-2022
OKP scholarship application deadline: March 2022
KIT Application deadline other funding: 01-07-2022 ECTS: 60
Location: KIT, Amsterdam
Language: English
Course fee 2021: € 18250 (This fee covers the course fee and study material. It does not include any other costs incurred like travel costs, insurance, visa, accommodation, daily expenses and others)