Improving access to equitable and quality sexual and Reproductive Health, including HIV and AIDS related services is high on the global public health agenda. Effectively organising these services is a critical element of health systems’ function. This module considers ‘rights’ as being central to sexual and reproductive health. The module builds on the state of the art evidence to critically analyse effective responses across building blocks of the health system. The module also factors-in discussions on the evolving role of health system in the process ie where the health system should lead, where it should facilitate, and where it should follow. Participants critically examine synergies and efficiencies to be gained, and the trade-offs that need to made in the process, when integrating different kinds of services within the SRHR domain and also across other domains. The module focuses on bringing in considerations of equity, voice, accountability and participation into the organisation of responses and services, with a focus on making services accessible to marginalised groups. This module translates principles of sound SRHR and HIV and AIDS responses into practice.
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- critically analyse various concepts related to sexual and reproductive health and rights within a development context
- explain and present trends and patterns on a range of SRHR issues and analyse the factors driving them
- analyse SRH issues and concepts from a rights based perspective
- identify and discuss principles of context specific best practice and interventions in the area of SRHR
- translate their understanding of SRHR issues and their causes into local and national intervention strategies
- discuss and analyse components of effective SRHR responses; translating evidence into practice
- identify and utilise opportunities for synergies across SRHR programmes and Health systems components
- critically analyse existing SRHR services from the perspective of marginalised and vulnerable communities and provide recommendations on how to enhance voice and equitable access
- evaluate and recommend context appropriate programs and interventions
- Contemporary best practice in effectively responding to SRHR and HIV
- Changing roles and responsibilities of the health sector in response to SRHR and HIV
- Key aspects of programmes, e.g. youth-friendly health services, family planning, safe abortion, quality of care, maternal and newborn health, basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric services, (V)CT services, PMTCT services, ART services
- Opportunities for synergies and considerations for service integration: e.g. PMTCT and FP, FP and sexual health, STI and HIV
- Continuum of Care models for SHRH and HIV and how to organise them
- Reducing stigma and discrimination, and ensuring rights
- Enhancing voice, accountability and participation of marginalised and vulnerable communities in organising responses
- State of the art in effectively responding to SRHR and HIV
- Changing roles and responsibilities of the health sector in responding to SRHR and HIV
- Key aspects of programmes, e.g.: youth-friendly health services, family planning, safe abortion, quality of care, maternal and new born health, basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric services, (V)CT services, PMTCT services, ART services
- Opportunities for synergies and considerations for integrations of services: e.g. PMTCT and FP, FP and sexual health, STI and HIV
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There are scholarships from the Orange Knowledge Programme available for this course in 2020. Apply for academic admission first to KIT before 23 September 2019. OKP deadline: 28 October 2019. Read more:
Summary practical information:
Course dates: 11-04-2022 to 04-05-2022
Duration: 3 weeks
KIT application deadline OKP: 04-10-2021
OKP scholarship application deadline: 02-11-2021
KIT Application deadline other funding: 11-02-2022
ECTS: 4,5
Location: KIT, Amsterdam
Language: English
Fee: € 2250 (this fee covers the course fee and study material. It does not include any other costs incurred like travel costs, insurance, visa, accommodation, daily expenses and others)